Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para to pose en español


pose verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
posed, has posed, is posing, poses
plantear (una pregunta, etc.), representar (una amenaza); posar (para una foto, etc.)
word of the day image
Father and daughter posing for the camera

Ejemplos de uso de
pose verb

  • The photographer posed her on the steps of the courthouse.
  • Everyone posed for the group photo.
  • The contradictions in his argument pose questions about his credibility.
  • Smog poses a threat to our health.

Sinónimos de
pose verb

Sinónimos detallados para pose verb

Ver: Propose

Traducción inversa para to pose

plantear  (una pregunta, etc.) - to set forth, to bring up, to suggest, to establish, to set up, to create, to pose (a problem) 
representar  (una amenaza) - to represent, to act for, to perform, to look, to appear as, to symbolize, to stand for, to signify, to mean 
posar  (para una foto, etc.) - to place, to lay, to pose 
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